Hack Edera

We're stopping container escapes before they start. Want to capture the flags?

We came, we saw, we KubeCon'ed! The focus of Edera at KubeCon is to raise awareness that your containers are not isolated, and we need to do better. Edera Protect Kubernetes can provide this level of isolation, and we're so confident about it that we'd like you to test it out for yourself. Please share your contact details and we'll reach out to you after the event, providing you a cluster with Edera Protect enabled and you can test this out for yourself.

If you want to learn more about why isolation for containers is a problem today, below we've shared links to tools from Edera and talks to learn more.

Isolation doesn't have to be an isolated problem, Edera is here to solve that for you.
Edera Axolotl cursing
Edera Offerings
Edera Protect Kubernetes
Gone are the days of relying on namespace security. Finally, a secure-by-default Kubernetes solution that runs anywhere and secures workloads with hard isolation using our cloud-native Type 1 hypervisor technology.

We're changing how Kubernetes containers run at the lowest levels to make it secure-by-default and eliminate container escapes, with just a couple lines of YAML.
Learn More
Am I Isolated
Try out our open source container security benchmark that probes users runtime environments and tests for container isolation.

The Rust-based container runtime scanner runs as a container and detects gaps in users’ container runtime isolation. It also provides guidance to improve users’ runtime environments to offer stronger isolation guarantees.
Try It Now
Our new open source kernel patch that provides mitigations for common memory safety errors, re-hardening systems against application-level memory safety attacks using a simple Linux kernel patch.

We created OpenPaX for the benefit of both our customers and the larger community. It’s available now under the same GPLv2 license terms as the Linux kernel.
Get Started
Our Favorite Talks
Secure-by-Default Cloud Native Applications Talk
From zero-vulnerability container images to container runtime isolation, Edera Field CTO Jed Salazar with Jason Hall from Chainguard discuss how to build secure-by-default Kubernetes applications that don't require complex policy configuration or constant log monitoring.
Watch Now
The Update Framework (TUF): Secure Distribution Beyond Software Talk
Marina Moore, Researcher at Edera, dives into The Update Framework as a solution to an influx of metadata: attestations, SBOMs, VEX statements, and more. Have you ever wondered how to securely distribute all of this information to end users? Enter TUF!
Watch Now
Another talk that we loved
You might be surprised to learn that there are other talks at KubeCon, and we'll share a link to our favorite talks when they become available online...